Contact made

I sent a note yesterday to Eric Meyer (considered the expert on CSS, and author of many of the books I’ve been referencing about the subject) and to Jeffrey Zeldman (co-founder of The Web Standards Project and creative director of A List Apart). It was a long message, and I mean, long. The purpose of the message was to let them know in advance what we’re doing with the Wired News redesign I mentioned here yesterday, and to guage their interest in knowing and seeing more.

I considered it a shot in the dark if I’d ever hear back from either of them. But I had a response from both of them within an hour. It made my day that both of them were just as enthusiastic as me and others internally on the team who know and understand what we’re doing with the redesign. Eric even mentioned he could make it part of his job as Standards Evengelist for Netscape to continue to dialogue with me. Eric is going to be in San Francisco in mid-September, and may even stop by to talk about Wired News for a bit.