Small talk in SF

Since MTM/SF in October, Tantek and I have been batting around the idea of holding an informal discussion about style, blogs, workarounds, etc. at a local cafe here in San Francisco. Preferably with free wifi. And space to flip our laptops around to show cool experiments we’re working on. Or projects by others that have provided inspiration. If you live in the City or the general Bay Area, or even happen to be in town visiting, you’re welcome to join us in the discussion or even just partake in a warm latte in a friendly neighborhood.

We’ve set our first session for tonight at H Cafe at 17th/Sanchez. Starting somewhere around 6pm and going for an hour or two. Very casual. Low key. Join us if you can.

If you can’t (or couldn’t) make tonight’s last minute session, and would like to know — hopefully in advance — if we do something like this again soon, send one of us a message. If we do more, we plan on trying out various locations around the city. So if you know of a good place that’s hooked up, let us know. We’ll try to get the word out a little earlier next time.