The other "City"

Luck and some last-minute arrangements have me on the opposite coast right now. I’m in New York, in the middle of a whirlwind trip which only removes me from San Francisco for a span of about 48 hours. You do the math. Figure about a five hour direct flight each way, and time to get in and out of each city via train, and it doesn’t amount to much time here.

Trips to New York are always like this for me. This is only the third time I’ve been here, but each time, my visit is extremely limited, no doubt confining my experience of the Big Apple to portions that I can see in such short time.

There’s something about short trips that push me to be as efficient as possible. I’m here for meetings with a couple of prospective clients, as well as a book release party at the SoHo House tonight. Around, and in between those events, I’ve been fortunate to arrange a string of meet-ups with the few NY friends I know. Each of them scheduled almost back to back, without room for a break in between. It’s non-stop, and that’s part of what I love about my experiences in New York so far. No time to catch my breath, and definitely not much time for sleeping. Of course, when I’m only here for two days or less at a time, why would I need to breathe or sleep anyway?

It’s now after lunch, and I just stopped at a small joint called Push Cafe on 3rd Ave and 23rd St. to get my afternoon dose of caffeine. On Heather‘s recommendation, I’m off to the Met to see what I can before they close. Then meeting another friend, then the party tonight, then back to San Francisco tomorrow late morning. What a rush…