Doug talks

Earlier today, I had the honor of giving a presentation about the beauty of CSS at Digital Design World. The crowd seemed warmly receptive to hearing about (and seeing) how they can make better-looking sites by putting into practice some basic design principles, practical tips, and a few advanced techniques.

Tomorrow afternoon, I co-present a session on “Design and Accessibility” with Andrew Kirkpatrick, Project Manager from the WGBH National Center for Accessible Media. I’m looking forward to sharing the stage with Andrew, and discussing how paying more attention to accessibility does not mean resorting to insipid design.

I’m not sure what it is. Something changes when I’m up on stage and I get to talk about the things I love to do. There’s a craft in my profession that I’ve fully embraced and love talking about. I easily get excited about the possibilities (both the practical and experimental), and find I could talk for hours about this stuff if my voice could last that long.

I didn’t purposely keep it hush, but just haven’t had time to write about it. A little over a week ago, I quietly added a Speaking Dates page to this site in light of the engagements I’ve already confirmed. A few upcoming dates are listed in the sidebar of the home page. More dates and locations are already in the works, so keep an eye out for something near you. And if you do come to one of the events, make sure to stop me, introduce yourself, and say hi.