
Feels like I’ve been running non-stop for the past week. I’ve been careful not to overdo it recently, as I injured my back about a month ago, and I’ve only gotten back into the groove in the past week or so. Regretfully, because of my back, I had to cancel my appearance in Portland at Web Visions.

However, in a few minutes, I step onto a plane bound for Seattle for a short two-day trip. I’ll be speaking twice tomorrow at Digital Design World. The first session is a revamped version of the talk I gave at the last DDW here in San Francisco in February, titled, Beautiful Interfaces with CSS. This talk went over really well at the last event, and I’m looking forward to doing it again.

For the second session, I’m covering something I’ve been doing for the last two years, but have never spoken about: tableless layout. This one will prove to be just as interesting as the first session. In addition to covering a few of the advantages of using CSS for layout, and the different approaches, I’ll also be completely reworking a major [currently] table-based site right before the eyes of everyone in the audience, all in less than an hour. Should be challenging, but it will be fun too.

If you’re coming to the conference, I’ll see you there.