Web Essentials approaches

My goodness, it’s only a little over a week until Web Essentials 04 kicks off. How does time go by so quickly? This looks to be (easily) the largest web standards event in the southern hemisphere this year. John Allsopp wrote me last week, informing me they’ve got loads of attendees coming from all over Australia, New Zealand, and even Japan.

Whether you’re attending the event or not, the organizing team set up an event weblog over a month ago, so anyone can keep up on the latest developments before, during, and after the conference. As of last week, Web Essentials still had some available spots, so it’s not too late if you’d like to make some last minute plans.

And wouldn’t you know it? The week before I leave for Sydney, I come down with a nasty little throat infection and a fever of 102. Something’s been spreading around the office the past couple weeks, and I guess I’m not immune to it. I went to the doc this morning, who put me on penicillin, and advised me to do nothing but rest before I leave on Sunday. I’m confident I’ll be able to recover by then, but this horrible timing throws a big wrench into all the work I’m trying to finish before I take off for a month. I certainly don’t want to have my sinuses blocked during the 14-hour flight from LAX, so I think I’ll be heeding the doctor’s orders.

Here’s to several days of rest, hot tea, echinacea, soup, and forced scaled-back project involvement.