WSG meetup in Melbourne

I’ll be joining up with Peter and Russ to fly into Melbourne this Tuesday afternoon (5th of October) for a spontaneously rescheduled Web Standards Group meeting that night. Dave Shea and his wife April are traveling to Melbourne, so they’ll also be there for the meeting. If you’re in the area, please come out and join us, whether you’re a member of WSG or not. Details on time and location will be posted to this page on the WSG’s site when they become available.

I know Cameron and Dez are planning on showing up. And I’m hoping I get to meet even more Aussies, and spend time talking with more of you who I didn’t get to chat with much at the conference.

And if you’re a local Melbournite, (or Melbie, or whatever you crazy Strines call yourselves) since I’ll end up staying in Melbourne for a few extra days, you can help me (and probably Dave and April) figure out how to best spend our time in your great city. Hope to see you there.