Meetup in Wellington

I mentioned in a previous entry that I’m actually going to make it to New Zealand’s North Island for a brief stay. Thursday — 21 October — I’ll be flying from Christchurch into Wellington around mid-day. I’m spending a couple days there, and I really don’t have much planned. I just want to see and experience New Zealand’s capital city, enjoy the coffee, see a few LoTR sites, and hang out with more Kiwis.

Which brings me to the point of this entry. I’ll be in Wellington early Thursday afternoon, all day Friday, and a good chunk of the day on Saturday before my flight to Sydney around 4:30pm. I met a few people from Wellington at Web Essentials, but I only have limited contact information for them. Whether you were in Sydney for WE04 or not, if you’d like to meet up sometime while I’m in Wellington, leave a comment here, or send me a message.

If there’s any interest, we could set up an impromptu casual dinner one night, or drinks, or morning or afternoon coffee. Whether it’s one other person, five, ten, doesn’t matter, I should have plenty of time. I’m staying somewhere along The Terrace, not far from the bottom of the Cable Car track.

On Friday, I’m planning to geek out a little and see some of the sights around Wellington used in filming LoTR, (lots of scenes were filmed around Wellington: Rivendell, Isengard, River Anduin, Minas Tirith, Helms Deep…) possibly with some sort of tour, unless I discover another option to see them. Thursday afternoon might include a visit to Te Papa or a ride up the cable car. If you have some time, and are interested in joining me for any of those, let me know.