Wellington standards meeting

While I’ve been busy the past few weeks, so too, have some of the folks I got to meet in the fine, windy city of Wellington, New Zealand. Next week, Thursday 9 December, will be the first official meeting of the Web Standards Group in Wellington. It’s free, casual, and open to anyone who’s interested.

If you live in the area, put this meeting on your calendar and make plans to go. You’ll find out more about the group, what standards mean, and get a chance to meet more people who do similar things as you. There will be an open discussion about the group, so it will be a good time to provide any input you have and help shape it if you wish. From my own experience meeting lots of the web locals when I was in Wellington a little over a month ago, this could be a sizable group of some great people. I was fortunate to have dinner one night with the organizers, Mike Brown and Terry Wood, and I know they’re excited to get this group going in their own city.

They request that you RSVP if you think you might come, so they have a decent idea of how many to plan for. There’s a page on the WSG site with meeting location and other details and an email address to let them know you’re coming. Wish I could be there.