Labor Day break

I’m in San Diego for the extended weekend, spending time with good friends, trying not to labor too much. We spent some time last night enjoying phenomenal Italian food at one of our favorite Point Loma restaurants, Old Venice. I’d highly recommend a nice dinner there if you ever happen to be in the area. Ask for a table out back on their wonderful patio if the weather is cooperating.

While down here, I’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with a really good college friend, David Adey. He and his wife ChereĆ© just moved back to San Diego from Detroit, where Dave was getting his masters in sculpture from Cranbrook. Dave is not only a good friend, but an extraordinarily talented illustrator and designer, with an incredible attention for detail and precision. When I think of craftsmanship, I think of Dave. I helped piqued his interest in design and introduced him to Adobe Illustrator while we were roommates for a year after college. Since then, he’s developed some incredible skills as a designer that he’s hoping to use in parallel with his interest in sculpture. I can’t wait to see the direction he goes and the pieces he produces in the next few years.