See also

No doubt, if anyone is paying attention, they may have noticed a few subtle changes to the structure of this site’s home page. Particularly in the extra column usually rendered on the right side of the page. Some may have even noticed a tiny little change in the main navigation that would be easy to overlook. These changes represent a gateway to the additions to Stopdesign which I’ve slowly been adding behind the scenes.

So much information is available today. But it’s not always easy to find the good information. Sites, books, weblogs, journals, articles, tutorials, interviews, news stories, blog entries, demos, organizations, mailing lists, specifications, reference charts, and so much more. I wanted to make sure I recorded the pieces which directly impact my world as a designer. The pieces which inspire, inform, and enrich my knowledge and life.

As I’ve been assembling this collection of information over the past few months, I’ve received increasing amounts of email asking which resources I use, and where I learned what I know. Readers wanting to know how to solve certain problems, or learn more about web design and the use of CSS for advanced layout. As I took the time to respond to as many inquiries as possible, I realized I was writing (and copying and pasting) a lot of the same information over and over again in the replies.

I always thought my old Articles section was lacking in the amount of complementary external information it could have provided. So I decided to make my collection of Links, Sites, and Books a public one, create a list of references I’ve used, and group it all under a new section for Stopdesign appropriately dubbed See Also. It combines the Articles I’ve written to date with lots of other great resources I would recommend to anyone who practices, toys around with, or is looking to start learning the discipline of web design.

The ideas behind See Also borrow from the sites I visit on a regular basis. The section is a work-in-progress, never intended to be complete, exhaustive, or considered finished. It is by no means revolutionary. But hopefully, it will help direct visitors seeking more information to the wealth of growing resources available all over the Web.