Power of Design, Vancouver

In two days, I’ll be heading north to Vancouver, B.C. for the AIGA National Design Conference, the power of Design. (Ironic that an American org is holding a national conference in Canada, eh?) This year’s conference will focus on the role of designers in the 21st century, in terms of culture, economy, and environment. Registration is still open if you’re up for making last minute plans. Be wary though: nearby hotels were filling up quick when I booked a month ago. GDC members are also eligible for the AIGA member rate.

The last AIGA conference I attended was I|O: Interaction Only in Miami last November. I met some cool people, participated in thought-provoking discussions over lunches, and had an excellent time exploring the sights, sounds, and indulgences of South Beach with a few local friends. (South Beach photos: 1, 2) With over 2,000 people attending, 95 speakers lined up, and several big parties planned, I’m looking forward to the big event this week.

Since I’ve never been to Vancouver, I’m arriving a day early, and leaving a day late. So I’ll have a little time to take in this beautiful city. Sort of a mini-vacation — with a design conference thrown in the middle — if you will. I’ll be staying at the Pan Pacific, adjoined to the Convention Centre. Dave and I already have tentative plans to meet up at some point. If you’ll be in town for the conference, or live nearby, drop me a note or leave a comment here if you’re interested in doing the same. I’ll share thoughts and photos from the event and my time in Vancouver as much as I can while I’m there.