Web Essentials 2.0

Web Essentials 05 Somehow, I managed to finagle my way onto the program for Web Essentials 05 in Sydney as one of the presenters again this year. Ok, truth be told, the gracious organizers did offer me an invitation to return for the event’s second coming. Last year was so much fun though, I had honestly thought about going down under for this year’s conference anyway. Even if I had to register for the conference under a fake name so I could surprise everyone when I showed up.

Alas, I won’t be surprising anyone this year. Instead, I’ll be attempting to pull out all the stops, as I fumble onto the stage to cover some of the more advanced topics around design and how CSS works for and against best practices and beliefs. But I’m old hat this year. With me as the exception, WE05 has a whole new crew of international speakers lined up including Molly Holzschlag, Eric Meyer, Kelly Goto, Jeffrey Veen, Tantek Çelik, and Derek Featherstone.

On that note, I’m not really sure why the Web Essentials team continues to separate out “international” speakers, since all of the Aussies on the ticket can hold their own weight in the worldwide community. After meeting these fine blokes last year, I’m really looking forward to seeing a presentation from Dean Jackson and a panel including David McDonald and Brett Jackson. The only thing that gets my goat is that I’ll have to choose between concurrent sessions led by Cameron Adams and Russ Weakley in the arvo Friday. (for you, John)

I’m writing this entry about WE05 now because I just noticed the team decided to extend the early bird registration price deadline until this Monday, 4 July. Note though: If you’re in the U.S. like me, that basically means you need to register by or on Sunday, July 3rd our time. John covers the early bird extension here.

If you’ve been thinking about going, act soon to get in on the lower cost. And if you’re from outside the country, I can vouch for the fact that Sydney is a beautiful city, and Australia is an awesome place to explore and spend as much time as you can manage down there. I can also vouch for Web Essentials being a great experience all around.

Join us if you can make it.

Update: The early bird deadline has already come and gone, but there’s still space available, and you can get AU$100 off the registration price by signing up before September 1.


  1. Dave Simon oddlaa.com/

    What a great lineup. Wish I could make it. And in such a beautiful city, too. Too bad it’s on the other side of the world from Montana. Curse living in paradise!

  2. Steven Ametjan wolfsreign.com

    Good thing work just sent in my registration.

  3. Cam selfgratification.org

    I’ll be there!

    I can’t wait — after meeting up with some mates that were there last year, Dave Shea and your good self in Melbourne after WE04 and hearing about what went on, there was no way known I was going to miss this one.

  4. Jeff Wheeler nokrev.com

    Wow, how time flies. It seems just yesterday I was reading about WE04. Maybe I was reading about WE05 and was confused… it happens to the best of us :D

  5. Ross Easton rosseaston.com

    What a shame I can’t come along! I agree with Dave Simon – such a wonderful place, great event… ah well… maybe one year.

  6. Nick Cawthon gaugedesign.com

    I’m there, dude.

  7. Knut Karnapp kk-works.de

    Not that easy to effort for a student :) Steven you´re lucky being sponsored by work :)

    have a great time down under..

  8. Andrew K leftjustified.net/

    Tickets: Booked.
    Airfare and accom: Confirmed.
    Enthusiasm level: critical mass ;D

  9. John F Allsopp we05.com


    really looking forward to seeing you down here in a couple of months. We’ve nearly got as many signups this year as we did last, so as you predicted, I think it will be a sell out show this year.

    Can’t wait until September.


  10. Calrion

    Me too. Ticket’s booked, shopping for a motel and work’ll take care of all the rest.

    See you all in September!

  11. Andrew K leftjustified.net/

    Calrion: check out this place — http://vulcanhotel.com.au/
    Central location (short walk to venue) and decent prices. :)

  12. Peter Asquith wasabicube.com

    Can’t wait to hop over the Tasman to see and hear you and the other excellent talent that’s been lined up. Excellent stuff!

  13. Sara Lander

    Excellent use of the word ‘arvo’ Doug! We’ll make an Aussie of you yet.

  14. That’s some serios coin when you factor in the plane ticket and other expenses. Wish I could afford it. :)

  15. Steve Scott sscott.info

    darn and blast – what an all-star lineup, thousands of miles away from where I am :-(

  16. beto betobeto.com

    This event sounds like one of the “if you can only get to one conference this year, make this the one” kind.

    Too bad for me it’s on the other side of the world. But if you can go, by all means do – Doug and Jeffrey are among the most interesting, amicable web personalities I’ve had the pleasure to know.

  17. Marty luculent.typepad.com

    Our international friends might not know that the AFL Grand Final (equivalent of Superbowl) is on in Melbourne the Saturday before the conference.

    I’m not a footyhead but you can’t beat the atmosphere in any Melbourne pub on that day.

    Come down a week early and make a holiday of it!

  18. Amit Karmakar karmakars.com

    Look forward to see you again Doug!

  19. Andy Budd andybudd.com/

    Man, I wish I was going. Oz is one of my favorite countries and I’m long overdue for another visit. The line-up looks fantastic and I’d really like to meet Russ, Cam and everybody else. Maybe next year.

  20. David McDonald davidmcdonald.org

    I look forward to catching up with you, and everyone else again Doug, and hopefully catching as many of the speakers as I can.

    Actually, I belive the AFL Grand Final is the Saturday straight after the conference. You won’t hear much about it in Sydney though. Well worth coming down to Melbourne to check it out.

  21. Paul thegoogleblog.com

    I have what? 6 weeks to save up a ton of cash to fly across the ocean? I can do it!

  22. Jefe gezdiren.com

    I wish I could be there.

  23. Andrey Smagin andreysmagin.com/blog/

    Too bad i won’t be there but I’m looking forward for your comments about the event soon after it.

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