Redesigning Blogger workshop

Jeffrey Veen and I will be conducting a one-day workshop in San Francisco a week from Monday, the 8th of November: Redesigning Blogger. We’ll be covering the process and thinking we used when Adaptive Path and Stopdesign worked with Google to simplify and redesign Blogger earlier this year. Jeff and I have worked together for a little over eight years now. We’ve learned a lot from each other, and from our successes and failures on various projects. We certainly didn’t always do the right thing at HotWired, making many mistakes while we were constantly experimenting.

The Blogger redesign was a huge success both with its users and within Google. From a user-centered design approach that guided the entire process, through rapid prototyping, brand evolution, early design mockups, user testing, XHTML and CSS implementation, and documentation — we used and gained a lot of valuable information and insight throughout the project, and we’d like to share how we worked and what we discovered.

I covered a small taste of the Blogger stuff during one of my presentations at Web Essentials in Sydney. But the material I used there was only to establish context for how CSS fit into the total design process. In this upcoming workshop, we’ll walk you though lots more details and thinking that were a part of the Blogger redesign, which should be beneficial for you in dealing with multiple types of projects.

The workshop will be held at the Hotel Monaco on Geary Street near Union Square. More information about the workshop, including hotel recommendations if you’re coming in from out of town, are on the Adaptive Path event page. Readers of Stopdesign can get a 15% discount on the workshop registration price by using the promotional code AFT47.

In conjunction with the Blogger workshop, 37 Signals will be conducting their Building of Basecamp workshop the following day (Tuesday, 9th of November) at the same location.

Register for both or either days from the AP page linked above. If the topics interest you, hope to see you there.