At the SXSW Google booth

There are so many people in Austin for SXSW Interactive. I haven’t even seen some good friends who I know are here this year. Among 8-9 different tracks running at the same time during the day, and multiple parties happening every night, it’s difficult to catch everyone I’d like to see. On that note…

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to work for and at Google, or are interested in Google products… Or if we know each other but haven’t had a chance to catch up yet here in Austin–or even if you and I don’t know each other–and you’d like to chat for a bit, just a quick note here to encourage you to come by the Google booth here at SXSW (on the trade show floor, toward the far-right side as you enter). I’m scheduled to be in the booth area from noon until about 2pm both today (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday).

If you’re at the top of your game, and might be interested in working for Google, coming by the booth is a good opportunity to speak with one of us casually about working in the User Experience (UX) group. We have multiple positions open in design. Specifically, I’m trying to build out the Visual Design team with talented folks who have a passion for Google products and a clean, intuitive design sensibility.

Even if you see me outside the booth hours, feel free to stop me anytime and say hi.