Posted in Palm

Palm Pre

We all thought Palm was dead by now. But check out this new unexpected head-turner they announced today: the Pre. Beautiful industrial design, and the OS and software seem well thought out as well. A soft touch on the design. We’ll see how good it is when it ships later this year. iPhone competition is finally heating up.

Staying organized

Joshua Heyer wrote me today with a question which I’ve never given much thought. Writing out my answer surprised me in how much I could articulate that which I do almost subconsciously. Joshua wrote:

“I have a simple question for you. How do you stay organized? I’m struggling with keeping things on point and I’m wondering what you use. […] Any thoughts on how to improve my organization with software, practices, etc… are much appreciated.”


Tiny screens

Since I haven’t jumped onto the wireless platform bandwagon yet, designing pages for the AvantGo channel has been an interesting challenge. Not too difficult, because there aren’t many choices. But that’s the challenge of it. It’s like trying to say as much as you can with as few words as possible. continued