Design Cop-out #2: Breadcrumbs

We’re recommending that when teams see users needing breadcrumbs, they look for other holistic design solutions. They’ll need to watch users and see the circumstances leading up to how the need arises. In almost all cases, they’ll find a better way to solve the problem than traditional breadcrumbs.

Start Conference

Start Been thinking of starting a company? Maybe started one recently? Or just have entrepreneurial tendencies in your blood? Check out Start. Friends and colleagues, Jeffrey Veen and Bryan Mason, are hosting a one-day conference in San Francisco on August 7 “for smart, talented Web people to take hold of their ideas, follow their dreams, and start their own companies.” continued

Respect! at SXSW

Though I’m a little leery of the massive size of SXSW this year, I’m really looking forward to seeing and catching up with friends new and old (and meeting a few more) in Austin later this week. It’s that time of year, when geeks from all over the Web physically converge in central Texas, fight for the last few available hotel rooms, and elbow their way to a choice seat at any of over 150 Interactive panels. continued

xScope 2

Simply put, xScope is a back-pocket, time-saving utility for designers and developers created by designers who understand the nature of working on screen. I haven’t written much about the software I use. But once in a while I come across something that’s so useful, I’m compelled to spread the word a little further. And the latest update of xScope to v2.0 adds some really nice enhancements worth drawing me out of hibernation. continued

At the SXSW Google booth

There are so many people in Austin for SXSW Interactive. I haven’t even seen some good friends who I know are here this year. Among 8-9 different tracks running at the same time during the day, and multiple parties happening every night, it’s difficult to catch everyone I’d like to see. On that note… continued

SXSWi Calendar for all

So a few of my fellow Google UXers and I will be at SXSW this year. We thought it odd that we couldn’t find a calendar that aggregated all the sessions, panels, and parties of SXSW in one place, in a traditional calendar-like view. There are lists of daytime panels and evening parties, and you can add events one at a time to a personalized calendar on But there was nothing that aggregated it all in one easy-to-view, all-at-once calendar (at least nothing that we knew of). continued

Inside view

A little over a month ago, just before Web Directions North, John Allsopp asked me a few questions over email about what I’ve been thinking and doing lately. Digital Web Magazine was kind enough to publish the exchange between us. A few friends have emailed me, having discovered the interview by other means, asking why they never saw mention of it here. Somehow, amid preperations for the conference, then ultimately, my back injury and cancelled appearance, I never got around to mentioning the interview.

If I were to write an extended update here that covers my recent life, technology that interests me, and the issues I’ve been mulling over, it would consist of the same answers I provided to John. Thanks, John, for taking the time and interest to ask the questions. And thanks, DWM, for publishing my responses.

Insult to injury

Last week was supposed to be a big week for me. As John Allsopp put it, I had been lured out of a self-imposed retirement from speaking, and was scheduled to appear at Web Directions North in Vancouver. I was really looking forward to speaking again, along with seeing old friends, making new ones, and the general camaraderie experienced at events like that. continued

About the author

Designer, advisor, father. Former creative director at Twitter. Previously led design teams at Google, Stopdesign, and Wired. Disney geek. Giants fan.
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