Posted in Photos

On the Flickr support in iPhoto ’09

Fraser Speirs, developer behind FlickrExport (iPhoto plugin software that I use) dives into the details and simplified — or crippled, depending on your view — functionality of Flickr integration in Apple’s iPhoto ’09. I may have discovered this on my own after using it, but it’s nice to see some of the differences I should note before I try iPhoto’s Flickr syncing. Sure, Fraser has a biased view. But FlickrExport seems to be a way better option for exporting photos to Flickr from iPhoto or Aperature. That is, at least, if you want more control over how, and to whom, photos appear on Flickr. (via Daring Fireball)

The Big Picture: Inauguration

How could I not link to these photos of Obama’s Inauguration posted yesterday on The Big Picture? For some reason, despite numerous other photos that were better composed or more striking in their angle, I was really moved by photo #23, and stared at it for a good 5 minutes, considering everything that was going through Vertie’s mind at the time.

Photo Gallery Templates available

Photo galleries at Since describing and pointing to my photo galleries back in January this year, I received lots of positive feedback, requests for the templates, and questions asking when they’d be available. Since the galleries are a personal, non-paying hobby, they took a back seat to other more pressing projects. In my spare time for the past several months, I made lots of additions and tweaks to the gallery pages. Meanwhile, I also started generalizing the templates, keeping in mind that I might eventually make them publicly available some day. That day has finally come. continued

New photo galleries

Update: Good news! The templates I reference below are finally available for download by anyone to use. See the followup post: Photo Gallery Templates available.

Over the past two months, I’ve been lying low when it comes to the writing on this site. I’ve responded to very few emails, and fallen severely behind on the blog and news reading with which I normally keep myself updated. In the past two months, I’ve opened up my feed reader exactly two times. Both times, I quickly got disgusted with how many unread items popped up before my eyes. Too much to keep up with, especially after getting back from a month-long tour of Down Under.


More Miami

Sitting in the Miami airport, waiting for a flight to Chicago. Here’s a few more shots to highlight from this past weekend:

* Thumbnail image: Downtown Miami buildings are wrapped in just as much neon as South Beach
* Thumbnail image: The Breakwater Hotel on Ocean Avenue with a bold blue and white color scheme and marquee-like signage
* Thumbnail image: The Royal Palm Hotel on Collins Ave looked very regal and exclusive, especially with Italian sports cars parked out front

South Beach sights

The AIGA I/O Conference wrapped up yesterday. Overall, it was an excellent 2-day conference with a nice range of topics covered. I stuck around in Miami for an extra day just to relax a little. Over the last couple days, I snapped a lot of digital shots in attempt to capture some of the beauty I saw here. As I was taking the night shots, I quickly realized my simple digital camera couldn’t handle low light pictures without a flash. But when I turned the flash off, I discovered I could get some really nice time-lapse effects. I’ll let some of my favorites from the weekend speak for themselves… continued